Installation ============ Installing Stoat is just like installing any other Django app. First, install the library (preferably into a virtualenv):: pip install -e hg+ Add ``stoat`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'stoat', ... ) Finally, add the following line at the end of your ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` setting:: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( ... 'stoat.middleware.StoatMiddleware', ) If you've customized your admin dashboard with Grappelli's dashboard tools, you'll need to add Stoat to the dashboard to be able to add pages and such:: self.children.append(modules.ModelList( 'Stoat', ('stoat.*',), column=1, css_classes=['collapse', 'open'], )) Now that you've got Stoat installed you'll want to take a look at :doc:`Usage ` to learn how to use Stoat.