The templates you make to use with Stoat are simply Django templates that take advantage of an extra variable.
When Stoat renders a template it adds a page variable to the context. This variable has a few properties you’ll want to use.
The title of the page as defined in the admin interface.
A normal Django get_absolute_url method that will return the page’s URL.
The page’s parent.
This property contains all of the fields you’ve defined in STOAT_TEMPLATES, with their names lowercased and every non-letter/number replaced by an underscore.
For example: look at the following STOAT_TEMPLATES setting:
'Default': ['default.html', [
['Heading', 'char'],
['Body', 'text'],
['Sidebar Heading', 'text'],
'Product': ['pages/product.html', [
['Price', 'int'],
['Description', 'text'],
['Image', 'img'],
['Image 2', 'img'],
Here’s what pages/product.html might look like:
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
<img class="product-image" src="{{ page.fields.image }}" />
<img class="product-image" src="{{ page.fields.image_2 }}" />
<p class="price">Price: ${{ page.fields.price }}</p>
{{ page.fields.description|linebreaks }}
{% endblock %}
You can use page.f as a shortcut for page.fields if you’d like to save on some typing.